Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Dark room process

New dark room process

For the previous film project using 35mm we used the chemical process in trays whilst enlarging, but for this project we used a slightly different process. 

Step one 
The first step involved us enlarging the images just the same as the previous film project the only difference was that we used a slightly bigger enlarger so that we could achieve the 12x16 prints we wanted for this project. 

Chemical process
Step two
The next and final step is the chemical process.
Instead of using the trays containing developer, stop and fix we got to use a machine that does all of the above and also brings the image out dry upon completion. This was a massive time saver although i did miss being able to see the image come to life in front of you. But for this project how convenient and quick the machine is it really helped with this project as taking the photographs themselves involved a long process which in some cases did not leave a whole lot of time for the enlarging process.

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