Thursday, 13 March 2014

Part two narrative photography (north east stories)

Initial direction

For the first part of the Northeast narrative stories i used personal photos of mine to illustrate me looking back at memories. That had an awful lot to do with me and my experiences through college.
So for the second part i wanted to make it also relate to me as much as possible. I started thinking what do i know that relates to my life growing up in the north east which is where i have lived since birth.

As i know the Northeast of England was built mainly because of the industrial work that went on and still goes on there i wanted to capture images that depict the industrial kind of work. This was ideal for me as my dad has worked at a steel works for my entire life and most of his. 

Since the age of 15 my dad has worked at Allerton Steel just like my grandad and the steel works is very much embedded in my family. My dad now has moved up from working on the shop floor grinding, cutting and welding and now works in the offices but never the less, i have many childhood memories of my dad at work, coming home mucky with black hands and even going to work to take him milk for coffees. This to me showed the Northeast way of life and was something i definitely wanted to capture, and the fact my dad works in an establishment that is exactly what i want, the opportunity was too perfect to pass up. 

I had to email the owner of Allerton steel through my dad to ask for permission to have access to the premises. I also offered the company any images i used almost like a bargaining chip. They granted me access and i have a couple of hours over the course of two day (3rd and 4th of March) to capture the images i need. As the area i will be taking photos in is very dangerous i will be taken around with a sight manager and will be wearing protective gear. 

What i am hoping to capture

I am hoping either to capture a day in my dads working life or capturing the life of an industrial worker.

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