Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The direction i am heading in..

Through trial and error in my actual shoots and also through research i have started to discover some kind of a theme. Before i started the project i thought it would be entirely shots of random people, both old and young, in various different location that are not similar and that i would simply just focus on people as a general subject.

I started to notice early on during my first two shoots that i did tend to stand in one place and take numerous shots there and then. I saw instantly that i spotted the more interesting characters out from the vast majority of normal people as i'm sure most street photographers do. 
The kind of consisted of scruffier looking people what we would call 'chavs' in this day and age (for the most part i took these photo's on the sly because these kinds of people are very intimidating in my books. 
The other kinds of people i tend to be drawn towards are the older people.
I have said numerous times before that i believe a face that looks old, full of wrinkles, that looks like its seen a lot in its time tells a better story and gives a better affect in street photography than with people who are young who look pretty and youthful. 

Through looking at the enlargements i have already done i have noticed that the vast majority of my work are really focused in on one subject in the image and the rest of it is kind of blurred. I think this is a good affect and is quite unique but i also want to experiment a little more maybe in the last few shoots i do so i can try and get all in focus, still shots. 

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